Today has been a great day. My husband took our youngest to her ballet class and I was able sit down and do a phone interview with Veronica Lee O’Donnell of We discuss how I was diagnosed, what is gluten, how it affects the body, the 19 cross-reactive foods for gluten sensitive individuals, and why we started the […]
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A Picky 6 Year Olds Favorite Foods
This past week I received a note from a mother who sounded frustrated and discouraged about her young child’s picky appetite. I think most mom’s, who have more that one child, can say they’ve had at least one picky eater. It’s distressing and frustrating. We want our kids to be strong and grow healthy. […]

Culinary VLO Radio Show
Check Out Food Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with The Culinary Show with VLO on BlogTalkRadio

Conquering Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia and Depression: A True Story
For most of my life I’ve struggled with insomnia, fatigue and depression. As a child it was milder, but noticeable. I love being outside and being active, but never quite had the energy to do as much as I wanted to do. As I’ve gotten older it has gotten worse. For many years friends and […]

Apple Gate
In our family we don’t eat a lot of lunch meat because of the sodium content, but I do buy a pack of Applegate turkey or bologna every week to keep things simple. Not only does it taste great, but it’s preservative free! I get insomnia from Nitrites and Nitrates so I never eat regular lunch […]
Katrina Nixon