Chronic Bronchitis and Colds
Those are just a few of the symptoms related to dairy intolerance. Many people have these symptoms, yet many don’t realize food is the culprit. Studies show that 3 in 4 individuals have some form of dairy intolerance but most people don’t know it. When chronic health issues are present the typical protocol is to take over-the-counter medicines to relieve the symptoms, instead of seeking help to find the cause of the problem. Are you willing to make a change if you find that your chronic issues are food related? If so, then check out this 2 minute video on dairy intolerance from the Food Intolerance Institute of Australia. This website is full of information on food intolerances and how to get well from your chronic health issues.
Here is another video on the connection between gluten and dairy intolerance from The Milk-Gluten Connection.
I know it’s not fun to find out you have food intolerances, but once you remove the source of your chronic illness, it doesn’t take long before you feel like a new person. It’s truly life changing. Don’t delay. You’ll be so glad you got on the healthy train!