Apple Gate


In our family we don’t eat a lot of lunch meat because of the sodium content, but I do buy a pack of Applegate turkey or bologna every week to keep things simple. Not only does it taste great, but it’s preservative free! I get insomnia from Nitrites and Nitrates so I never eat regular lunch meat. It has to be minimally processed, antibiotic and preservative free! If you’ve battled with insomnia and you still eat common preservatives, it may be good to eliminate them from your diet to see if it helps you to get some shut eye.

Here are two good articles on nitrites in food. From Healthy Child Healthy World and Livestrong.

Here we have one of the stars of our product offerings. Our famous Natural Roasted Turkey Breast is a staple food for many of our customers, and for good reason! It’s low in fat and high in protein, plus it’s free of chemical nitrites and antibiotics. But best of all, it’s delicious (and gets along with our other great, but less well known cold cuts).