Now that cold and flu season is in full swing, I thought I would let you in on some great measures to take to beef up your immunity. This will help you to have fewer sick days and less doctor visits. If you do catch something, you’ll fight it quicker, too! For the first 10 […]
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How to Beat Seasonal Allergies: Side Effects Not Included!
Published on October 6, 2015 | in health, News, Personal Care, Rescources, Seasonal, Tips, weekend By Katrina |
How to Beat Seasonal Allergies If you’re one of the 40 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, then this post is for you! Fortunately, in spite of the fact that I have many food intolerances, I don’t suffer from seasonal allergies. My husband, however, does. Every spring and fall he gets terrible hay fever […]

How Vitamin D Changed Our Lives During Cold and Flu Season
Everyone knows how many colds and flus are passed around during the winter months. It’s mind blowing how many bugs kids pass around. In our family we had a problem with sickness every winter for years. My oldest daughter and I also suffered from major fatigue in the winter: a common problem for many. When we […]
Katrina Nixon