Hopey & Company
As you know by now eating health is not cheap. Well, we found a little gold mine up in them there hills of Asheville NC. Hopey & Company has a store that buys close-outs and products that may have passed their “best by” date and sells them at dirt cheap prices. This is the best store to get great prices on name brand gluten free items. Make sure the date is only 2 or 3 months past. We researched the safety on foods that have past the sell by date and found that the “best by” date on dry goods doesn’t mean you have to eat it by then, it just means the flavor is best up to that point. If you’re on a tight budget you will be grateful for this unusual store. There are many stores like it, but they’re hard to find. We have shopped there several times and found that if the date is only 2 months past the food is still great. After that it tastes stale.
Hopey and Co. also sells organic produce at a great price.
Black Mountain
Call (828) 669-8988
Cafe (828) 669-8178
3018 US 70 W Suite 1
Hours Mon-Sat 8-7 and Sun 11-6
Cafe Hours Mon-Sat 8-4 and Sun 11-4
South Asheville
Call (828) 277-0805
121 Sweeten Creek Rd
Hours Mon-Sat 9-7 and Sun 11-6
Downtown, Asheville
Call (828) 255-5228
45 S. French Broad
Hours Mon-Sat 9-7 and Sun 11-6