Sugar Free Lemonade The Healthy Way

Sugar Free Lemonade The Healthy Way

Here’s the best way to have your lemonade and drink it, too! Instead of drinking multiple cups of sugar or artificial sweetener with your lemons, try using Stevia and Monk Fruit to refresh your palate. Lemons are extremely healthy, but adding sugar and artificial sweetener to them makes drinking them pointless. The health benefits of lemons are due to their many nourishing elements like vitamin C, vitamin B, phosphorous, proteins, and carbohydrates. Lemon is a fruit that contains flavonoids, which are composites that contain antioxidant and cancer fighting properties. They help to prevent diabetes, constipation, high blood pressure, fever, indigestion and many other problems, as well as improving the skin, hair, and teeth. For more info on the health benefits of lemons check out this article.


After much research and trial and error, we have learned that pure Stevia and Monk Fruit are the two healthiest natural sugar alternatives. We have also tried xylitol, lucuma fruit powder, mannitol and erythritol. All of those gave us unpleasant side effects which I will talk about more in a future post. FYI, Stevia doesn’t have a bad after taste when combined with fruit, it actually enhances the flavor like MSG, so drink up!lemon_1

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