For most of my life I’ve struggled with insomnia, fatigue and depression. As a child it was milder, but noticeable. I love being outside and being active, but never quite had the energy to do as much as I wanted to do. As I’ve gotten older it has gotten worse. For many years friends and […]
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Conquering Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia and Depression: A True Story
Published on June 30, 2015 | in Dairy Free, Egg-Free, Gluten Free, health, Healthy, MTHFR, News, Paleo, Tips By Katrina |

Help for Asthma, Chronic Lung Issues, Indigestion, Eczema and Depression with Methylfolate and B12.
This is my second post related to MTHFR defects. When I very first learned that I had several MTHFR defects I quickly began researching to find out how to treat this, since my doctor at the time didn’t know what to do. I immediately found by Dr. Ben Lynch. I’ve just listened to a […]
Katrina Nixon